Kadim Tasdemir received the B.S. degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, the M.S. degree in Computer Engineering from Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Rice University, Houston, TX, USA, in 2001, 2004, and 2008, respectively.
Dr. Tasdemir's research interests include detailed knowledge discovery from high-dimensional and large data sets (especially remote sensing images) using machine learning (self-organized learning in particular), data mining and pattern recognition. He is a recepient of FP7 Marie Curie Career Integration Grant and TUBITAK Career Grant. He is a principal investigator for a joint project funded by TUBITAK for food quality assessment based on hyperspectral image analysis.
Before joining AIU, he was a researcher at the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), (Institute for Environment and Sustainability) from 2009 to 2012, where he worked on automated control methods for monitoring agricultural resources using remote sensing imagery. Based on his research excellence and contribution, he received 2011 IES Best Young Scientist Award. Before JRC, he worked as Assistant Professor at Department of Computer Engineering, Yasar University, Izmir, Turkey, in 2008-2009. During 2003-2008, he was a research assistant at Rice University, where he developed visualization and clustering methods using neural computation for detailed knowledge discovery, sponsored by NASA Applied Information Systems Research Program. He was also awarded “Rice University Robert Patten Award” for his contributions to graduate life. During 2001-2003, he was a research assistant at Istanbul Technical University, where he worked on License Plate Recognition project.
Dr. Tasdemir is a member of IEEE, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, IAPR- TC7 Remote Sensing and Mapping, and IAPR-TC15 Graph Based Representations. He is the founding chair of IEEE GRSS Turkey Chapter since December 2012. Despite being a new chapter with few members, Turkey Chapter received the GRSS Chapter Excellence Award based on its activities in 2014. He is one of the organizers of Remote Sensing Summer School in TUBITAK BILGEM in 2014. He is a co-chair of National Workshop on Remote Sensing Signal and Image Processing since 2014. He is also a program committee member for Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps, Recent Advances in Space Technologies.
Dr. Tasdemir is on Editorial Board for ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. He is also a reviewer for several journals including IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, IEEE TGARS, IEEE JSTARS, IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Neural Processing Letters.